Conclusion (2/16/2025)
I have a very deep personal connection to this information and in how I obtained it. Note that this study was not assembled using concordance or Internet. Except where noted, no outside sources exist. The Internet was only used for reference to history and these details are shared simply to imply from what source the information otherwise did come from. With this connection which is personal and of which the details would be inappropriate to share, I feel comfortable and obligated in presenting this message so boldly.
I include another coded message: 95411b4d9b221bdb9c9da68e70b0dd1c
Qualitatively, I had concluded long ago, before the Internet was the thing, the presented understanding of Daniel’s vision of the Seventy Sevens. At that time, they were weeks as I was reading the KJV and was unaware of the inaccurate translation for that word. Nor was I aware of the relevant dates. William Miller in the 1800’s to my understanding may have been the first to arrive at the presented dates. However, his source was likely the KJV as well and the translation of weeks in my opinion led to misguiding despite his best efforts. Naturally, I do not wish to follow or lead along the path of misguiding either! Furthermore, to avoid adding additional complication, I declined to argue for a proper de-referencing of the pronoun chains (Dan 8:9-12) which would have further supported the conclusion that the seventieth seven was concluded upon Messiah being cut off. Also qualitatively, I have believed for the same amount of time that the sea was a reference to a spiritual realm and thus the earth was naturally a reference to an earthly foundation. This all fell into place for me with the understanding of the two witnesses which I believe was given to me through divine inspiration. As a result, quantitatively, I understood the core prophetic timeline as has been presented but had only exercised it generally. At the time, I was as detailed as I knew to be and in hindsight, what good would precise quantitative details have been without the additional qualitative details that would only be presented with time?
What had been lacking through all of this time is also what was lacking for Daniel. Daniel was told to put it all to rest because it was for a later time. (Dan 8:26, 12:4) When I started this study on a whim because of politics being what they were, I did so completely unaware that all of these ideas would present themselves again in alignment with current events so convincingly as they have. I am stricken with both awe and disappointment to arrive at these conclusions.
Qualitatively, the depictions and illustrations given by both Daniel and John speak of our current times and do quite uncomfortably point directly to him. Through the ages, the Antichrists have been identified and yet here we are. However, did any of those meet so definitively with the depictions given by both Daniel and John? What of these descriptions has been missed other than what remains to be done now that he has authority? Once those events begin unfolding...
Quantitatively, I neither expect many to accept what has been presented. However, in what way does the timeline not work other than through not wanting to accept it? And in what way is what has been presented not a better understanding than anything that has been presented to date? And how much simpler could it actually be? We find ourselves at a time when qualitative description meets the quantitative with wildly appealing detail!
To elaborate upon the nature of the final king, I add that John depicts the final king as a beast that comes out of the earth. (I would have added this information previously had I not already been sufficiently satisfied personally.) For Daniel, again, this final king was distinguished from the others by having eyes like the eyes of a man. (Dan 7:8) For John, this final king was distinguished from the other kings in that though he arose from the earth, he is identified as a beast. All other beasts have been spiritual entities. Neither Persia nor Greece were described as beasts. To further this point, this final king is labeled by John as the false prophet. (Rev 19:20) This false prophet shares the same punishment as given to the other beast and to the dragon which is Satan. (Rev 20:10) And out of the mouth of the false prophet will come three frogs as also will come out of the mouths of the beast and the dragon. (Rev 16:13) Does not all of this suggest that the Antichrist must be more than human flesh? Do not these scriptures also suggest more than I personally dare to propose? I only conclude with what the scriptures clearly say: This final king is certainly above and beyond the earthly kings in these prophetic contexts.
On another note, it matters not what he says or does so long as the prophecies are satisfied by specific actions of his doing. He could be a devout orthodox minister and say everything that we want to hear because he has horns as a lamb but speaks as a dragon, who is a liar. (Rev 13:11) And note that this also alludes to his nature. We must look beyond what he says and does if we wish to identify him. The identifiers that are given are few but distinctive. Judge wisely!
As described within the study, the mother of the Child was given twelve-hundred-sixty days and then a time, times, and half a time. (Rev 12:6, 12:14) The beast from the sea was given forty-two months and then a time, times, and half a time. (Rev 13:5, Dan 7:25) Each of these accounts is from the “second telling.”
However, in the “first telling.” the two witnesses are left for dead in the streets for a period of three-and-a-half days. (Rev 11:3) Is it fair to conclude that this three-and-a-half days is the same as the “time, times, and half a time” when finally associated with the twelve-hundred-ninety days given to Daniel for this final period? (Dan 12:11) Note again that the general period of activity given to the gentiles is also forty-two months as is given to the beast and the period of activity given to the two witnesses is twelve-hundred-sixty days as given to the woman.
These spans of time are specifically prescribed to be in unison. (Rev 10:11) So why would the extra periods prescribed for the end of each of these spans not be fundamentally the same? They actually must be the same because the two prophecies again are prescribed to be in unison. Leaving bodies dead in the street for a time, times, and half a time could have been prescribed, but how much sense would have been taken from such a claim? Given the nature of the visualization, the analysis remains entirely reasonable.
Why would the angels plead through John to His people to come out of the harlot church? (Rev 18:4) Aside from the obvious determinations, I would stress again that perhaps not solely for the harlotry but also because of the misguiding. The scriptures repeatedly claim that while those who lead into destruction will have their reward, also will those who have followed. If this harlot church has not recognized the signs, then in what other way will it be helpful to you personally?
Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near – at the doors! Matthew 24:32-33
At the end of the study, I had suggested to read Matthew 24. I now also suggest to follow that with Matthew 25.
Note that it is Matthew 24:34 that leads some to conclude that these sayings were completed through the destruction of the temple in 70AD. That makes some sense if it is accepted that the destruction of the temple is the Abomination that Jesus was speaking to. Likely, in some sense He was. However, please do not dismiss Jesus' words as has been and gone by. I have followed my own advice, and between Daniel and John’s Revelation, I see clearly and specifically the visions of each in Jesus’ words. They all paint the same picture!
With that, please do not accept this conclusion as a summarily read of the study. If you are reading this, it is because someone shared a link with you or someone is repeating what has been read from here and then shared with you a link. I encourage sharing. I encourage preaching. I encourage understanding in any form that it is gained. I only intend the digital signature for caution to those in hearing once this information is outside of my control. I make no money from this. I have no collection bin. I seek no attention. I have only desire for the subject to be discussed if that be His will, and I do believe it to be. And I do expect that either by voluntary decision or otherwise that I will at some point reveal the codes to prove authorship. Again and of course, until then, I encourage sharing.
I have withheld nothing but have not shared everything. My current effort is in search of five smooth stones. After that, I have no particular guidance as of yet. I will dedicate a page to monitoring unfolding events as I learn of them and keep that up to date to the best of my ability and knowledge.
I do stress communication! Communicate now. Share now. Our families are separated as we’ve chased work for the almighty dollar. How reliable will communications be? At what point will they cease to be? (Even Q suggests such is coming.)
This study, the bulk of which was posted on 1/19/2025 just a few moments before midnight Eastern Time, will never be altered. This conclusion page will likewise never change. I foresee nothing more to add save for this one last point.
The prophecies have painted a portrait and they have likewise provided a date. That portrait has his face painted on it. Throughout the entirety of this writing, I have declined to mention him by name. Perhaps Antichrist is still debatable in your mind. However, qualitatively, quantitatively, and unarguably, his name is “ruler of the world,” or depending on your source, “world ruler!”