Image of the Beast (Last updated: 3/10/2025)
Though he challenged the 2020 results, and though the system in place seemingly would not let him do any more, he did step back and allow them to stand. And through all of that time and for all the time since, not once has he shown a sign of concern for what would be...
Had the 2020 results been legitimate, they wouldn't have had to prevent the observers from observing. The media lacked all curiosity despite the abundance of intrigue; neither has the media addressed those who did show reason for objection except through name calling and blind dismissal. Video of ballots being delivered in the dark - ignored. What other drama has the media been sleeping through?
To avoid the need for accuracy, I will settle that half of the US population question the legitimacy of the 2020 election.
I have avoided discussing from this perspective because of the conspiratorial nature and also because of the consequences of conclusion. But this new observation forces my hand.
(And this observation is not alone with such suggestion.) Again, I ask, what is an image of a nation or kingdom? Was not the previous administration, being illegitimate, but an image of this once great nation? And what imposition was executed by this illegitimate image of authority? As has never been done before, throughout the world, the people were through the leadership of this illegitimate administration coerced through denial of marketplace to comply and take on or in their bodies...
Again, this achievement of which he seems most proud, he has never disclaimed!
I could easily conclude here with finality and doom. However, through hope and logical thought too, I am compelled to warn that this has all been for a sign - a very dark sign; the real deal will be upon us soon - the one that the angels are warning us about! Recognize and do not comply!