2025 White House Prayer Breakfast
The full video is provided in full disclosure. He does say some seemingly attractive things and some even of God - though never in specificity of Jesus Christ. He even acknowledges his proximity with death because of the gun shot and accrediting God with his saving. Q (17) would also frequently quote old testament scriptures. The national prayer breakfast is annually on the first Thursday of February and coincidentally for this year, seventeen days after taking office. Also, throughout, every sign of humility is immediately followed with pomposity. This is especially true in the emphasis of the seventeenth day at 32 minutes in. The national prayer breakfast falling on the seventeenth day is a coincidence and is of course out of control. Perhaps they are keeping a "days-since" tracker in the office. But would the same focus have been given on day sixteen or eighteen???
Confrontationally, he said very early in the speech that he is being told that he can't run again; suggesting that he intends to. He ends with the continued suggestion that this western nation is additionally responsible for the happenings and the outcomes experienced in the middle east.
Naturally, we look forward to the reversal in our fortunes, both individually and nationally. Just remember that all this rebuilding and reviving of this once great USA is exactly as has been prescribed through the prophecies as studied. Do not neglect one for the other. They can only give back what was allowed to be taken and never to fulfilment; but just enough to buy appeasement, trust, and admiration.
"From the gang ridden streets of our inner cities to the wore torn lands of the middle east, we're working urgently to restore hope and prosperity, safety and peace, all over, every single day of this administration we'll act with safety and speed, ... America's glorious destiny is just within our reach, together we'll make America stronger and prouder, safer free-er, greater and more faithful to our God than ever before..." Is "our God" who we think he is?